

We are a gaming community that focuses on MMORPG games. We prefer and are more active in Knight Online Private Servers. Our members come from all over the globe including Perú, Argentina, Spain, Venezuela and USA.

HISPANIA was founded 12 years ago and it’s members are still active and close friends. This clan was founded in 2004 by BLACKNIGHT while playing Ares in the official USKO Server. Since then, HISPANIA has been active in different Knight Online private servers as well as other online games like: Diabl03, Heroes of the Storm, LOTRO, etc.

Some of the servers we have played on are: Ares-USKO, Rising4Chaos(as Templarios), OldSchoolKO, MasteredKO, YourKO, ProfessionalKO, ZoneMYKO, among others.

We are currently active in AzuraKO and we are always looking for new members to join.

I’ll leave one of HISPANIA’s relics here; Shylah/ArminVanBuuren’s original work, he was a founding member of HISPANIA back in Ares:

HISPANIA vs Caitharos

Active Members:

-BLACKNIGHT (original leader)