
In this section, you can find all sorts of guides:

Knight Online Dark UI Configuration

Using this guide, you can download and install the Knight Online Dark UI alternative created by Spyyder several years ago. This changes are local and will not affect your gameplay nor give you any lag.

Discord Voice Overlay for Any Game

This guide allows you to configure Discord voice overlay for any Server & channel you desire; and displays it over any game you are playing in your PC. This fix does not depend on any discord support and does not generate any lag. This guide lists the steps and also links to a video of the setup.

It is guaranteed to work on any PC Game while the Discord App is running.

Custom Domain Email Setup

In this guide, you will find step by step instructions on how to set up your custom domail mail for free using Gmail or Hotmail to receive all communications. Upon completion of this configuration, all mail sent to your mail [custom domain email] will be received in the mail client (Gmail / Hotmail) you have chosen. This helps you to keep using your regular mail with an extension for custom domain email.

Knight Online 7 Keys Quest Guide

This guide specifies all the information necessary to complete the quest of the 7 keys on any server of Knight Online. You can to find a map with the coordinates of each guardian for each nation as well as the correct answers of the mission.

Knight Online Maps

Elmorad, Karus and Eslant maps in Knight online. Good reference for many events, invasion or any other KO related reason.

Knight Online Clan Grades

List of clan grades in Knight Online with NPs required for each level. In this guide, you will also be able to find specifications of the achievements and awards in each grade.