Knight Online: Animation Patches

This guide provides multiple patches for the Knight Online client that modifies game animations. These changes should be used at your own risk.

These changes are only local and will only affect your computer. These changes do not provide you with any advantage over anyone other than a simple animation adjustment in your computer. Nobody else sees these changes.

How to install them?

Simply, download the corresponding file and unzip. Then copy the contents inside your Knight Online client installation or directory. Make sure you “Paste & Replace” files. This will modify some files inside “fx” directory.

1.Heal “Pink” Alternative

This animation overrides some healing animations, mainly the “party 960”.

Pink Heal

2.10K Heal Alternative

This animation slightly changes the 10K heal animation to contain a floor graphic and modified circle animation.

New Heal

3.Malice “Hellfire” Alternative

Modifies the regular “purple smoke” malice animation for a fire animation on any character affected by this skill.

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